You’re invited to the Basecamp community: the place where
long-time users and folks new to the platform exchange
ideas about improving the way they work.
Get more out of your Basecamp experience

Meet people just like you
You’ll learn from small teams helping each other stay on top of projects, new businesses showing how they bring calm to a growing team, and even non-profit groups like teachers using Basecamp to coordinate projects between staff and parents. They get to know one another through check-ins about what they did last weekend and even updates about their pets.

We host live video AMAs with members of the 37signals team, post spotlights of community members to hear the stories behind why and how they use Basecamp, and hang out at the Watercooler to banter, brainstorm, and dish about recent updates.
Get in on the conversation
Since community members are often the first to know about updates and deployments, their feedback about how the features work is important to us. Your experiences make an impact on the products we create.

The occasional bonus…?
Community members sometimes find exclusive sneak peeks of features we’re working on before they’re released to the general public. 🤫

Ready to join?
Head to this link, answer a few short questions, and we’ll send you an invitation to join the community account. We hope you and your team find it a fun and useful place to hang out!