Basecamp is for everyone.

We’re working hard to make sure Basecamp is accessible to anyone who’d like to use it and in step with the latest web guidelines.

Our approach to accessibility.

Inclusive and accessible design isn’t a one-time checkbox,
it’s a commitment to making sure everything we ship works
well for all of our customers
. Here’s how we do it.

  • We consider accessibility early and often. Every new feature is designed with accessibility in mind, and we aim to meet WCAG 2.1 level AA guidelines.
  • We work directly with customers. These interviews help us validate our work and continuously improve the user experience.
  • We scan new features for compliance. For this step, we use a browser extension like axe to make sure our desktop and mobile layouts meet the requirements.
  • We check for visible focus indicators, so it’s always clear which element on a page is focused.
  • We make sure headings are sequential, so they provide an accurate overview of the structure of each page.
  • We check color contrast with the aim of passing WCAG 2.1 level AA.
  • We hide decorative elements from assistive technology. Elements that are repetitive or purely decorative create excess verbosity for users of accessible tech.
  • We provide a “skip to main content” link at the top of each page so people can quickly bypass repetitive navigation links.
  • We test that everything works with keyboard navigation, making sure that a mouse isn’t required to perform any action throughout the app.
  • We run automated accessibility checks as part of our system testing suite. Whenever a system test visits a page or clicks something on it, axe-core automatically scans the page to help guard against regressions.
  • We regularly audit our apps to understand where accessibility can be improved. Get in touch if you’d like a copy of the most recent review.

Suggested screen reader setup.

For the best experience, we recommend using the Basecamp
desktop app
along with your preferred screen reader.

Questions? Accessibility concerns?
Reach out to us at

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